Moleskine è una marca di taccuini, agende, guide da viaggio, quaderni, borse, valigie ed album prodotti da Moleskine Spa, una società italiana con sede a Milano.
PRIVACY Carlo & Carlo srl - with legal and administrative headquarters in Via Padova, 16 80143 Napoli (NA) (registered office), creator and promoter of the activities available on the website, reserves the right to use the personal data provided voluntarily by Users, in compliance with current regulations (articles 13 and following of Legislative Decree 196/2003). Users are therefore invited to periodically visit this section to update themselves on changes related to changes in current legislation. Carlo & Carlo srl guarantees users that the processing of personal data will be reserved for uses strictly connected and related to the provision of its services, to facilitate the management of the site and the fulfillment of orders. The data voluntarily provided by Users will in no case be communicated or disclosed to third parties. In case of payment by credit card, the fundamental information for the execution of the transaction (credit / debit card number, expiration date, security code) will be sent to the body responsible for the processing (in this case Paypal), or possibly to companies responsible for fraud control, using an encrypted protocol, without third parties being able to access it in any way. However, this information will never be viewed or stored by the Seller (Carlo & Carlo srl). Carlo & Carlo srl adopts adequate security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss of data, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the collection purposes indicated in our Privacy Policy. However Carlo & Carlo srl cannot guarantee its users that the measures adopted for the security of the site and the transmission of data and information on the site are able to limit or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or loss of data by of devices belonging to the user. For this reason, we suggest site users to make sure that their computer is equipped with adequate software for the protection of data transmission over the network (for example updated antivirus) and that their Internet provider has adopted suitable measures for the security of transmission. of data on the network.
Carlo & Carlo srl informs that Users can exercise the rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, reported below in its essential part. Users have the right to request the following information from Carlo & Carlo srl:
1. confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him
2. clear communication of the data and their origin
3. the reason and purpose of their existence and their use
The request for the information listed above can be renewed with a minimum interval of 90 days, except for those cases where there is just cause: cancellation or modification of such data due to violation of the law; cancellation of those data that cannot be used for the reasons for which they were collected.
E-mail advertising with newsletter registration
If you register for our newsletter, we use the data strictly necessary and instrumental for this purpose or the data communicated by you separately, to send you our newsletter regularly by e-mail on the basis of your consent. You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time, either by sending a message to the contacts listed below or via a specific link found in each Newsletter. After the cancellation, we will delete your e-mail address, unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data and subject to our reservation for further use of the data, use of which you have been correctly informed in this declaration in compliance with the provisions of the law.
Modal title
Direttiva Omnibus
Prezzo soggetto ad obblighi previsti dalla Direttiva Omnibus, attuata in Italia con il Decreto Legislativo 7 marzo 2023 n. 26.
La Direttiva Europea ha lo scopo di aumentare il livello di trasparenza verso i consumatori, toccando temi importanti per siti web ed e-commerce, quali:
- gestione delle recensioni
- comunicazioni in occasione delle riduzioni di prezzo
- condizioni di vendita dei marketplace
Con la presente l'e-commerce si impegna ad applicare la Direttiva Omnibus riguardo la modalità di gestione dei cambi di prezzo che prevede:
"Ogni annuncio di riduzione di prezzo indica il prezzo precedente applicato dal professionista per un determinato periodo di tempo prima dell’applicazione di tale riduzione. Per prezzo precedente si intende il prezzo più basso applicato dal professionista alla generalità dei consumatori nei trenta giorni precedenti all’applicazione della riduzione del prezzo."
*Casi esclusi: vendita prodotti agricoli e alimentari deperibili; prodotti immessi sul mercato da meno di 30 giorni.
*Si precisa che la Direttiva Omnibus è una misura legislativa più ampia che riguarda la semplificazione e l'aggiornamento di diverse direttive esistenti dell'Unione Europea. Cui doveroso riportare all'atto di direttiva UE recepita riferita da fonte ufficiale, Gazzetta Ufficiale:
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Impostazioni dei cookie
Data Controller
Soreca Shop Online by Carlo & Carlo srl,
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that our sites send to your computer or mobile phone and are saved on these devices. They allow us to analyze web traffic and thus optimize your Internet browsing. Cookies are also used by the site itself to recognize you and find your personal preferences such as the location and language of access and your shopping cart.
How do cookies work and how can you delete them?
The operating modes as well as the options for limiting or blocking cookies can be adjusted by changing the settings of your internet browser. Most internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically, however the user can change these settings to block cookies or to be warned whenever cookies are sent to his device. There are several ways to manage cookies, for this purpose it is necessary to refer to the instruction manual or to the help screen of your browser to check how to adjust or change the settings of the same. In fact, the user is enabled to change the default configuration and disable cookies (ie block them permanently), by setting the highest level of protection. Below is the path to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:
What types and categories of cookies do we use and for what purposes?
Navigation cookies From the first access these cookies allow the site to function properly and allow you to view the contents on your device by recognizing the language and market of the country from which you have chosen to connect. If you are a registered user, they will allow you to be recognized and to access the services offered in the dedicated areas.
Navigation cookies are technical cookies and are necessary for the site to function. Functional cookies These cookies allow, based on your express request, to recognize you on subsequent accesses so as not to have to enter your data at each visit (for example: "Recognize me next time"). If you have added items to your cart and closed the session without completing the purchase and without deleting them, these cookies allow you to continue shopping the next time you access the site (within a limited period) by finding the selected items.
Analytical cookies Functional cookies are not essential to the functioning of the site, but they improve the quality and the browsing experience. These cookies are used to process statistical analyzes on how users navigate our site. We treat the results of these analyzes anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes only if the service provider uses cookies in connection with the browser used or on other devices used to navigate the site. The site uses some third party services which, in a completely independent way, install their own cookies: Google Analitycs Social Network Cookies These cookies are necessary to allow your social account to interact with our site. They are used for example to let you express your appreciation and to share it with your social media friends. Social network cookies are not necessary for navigation.
Gestione Preferenze Cookie
Questi cookie sono necessari per il funzionamento del sito e non possono essere disattivati nei nostri sistemi. Di solito vengono impostati solo in risposta alle azioni da te effettuate che costituiscono una richiesta di servizi, come l'impostazione delle preferenze di privacy, l'accesso o la compilazione di moduli. È possibile impostare il browser per bloccare o avere avvisi riguardo questi cookie, ma di conseguenza alcune parti del sito non funzioneranno. Questi cookie non archiviano informazioni personali.
Questi cookie consentono al sito di fornire funzionalità e personalizzazione avanzate. Possono essere impostati da noi o da provider di terze parti i cui servizi sono stati aggiunto alle nostre pagine. Se non si autorizzano questi cookie, alcuni o tutti questi servizi potrebbero non funzionare correttamente.
Questi cookie ci permettono di contare le visite e fonti di traffico in modo da poter misurare e migliorare le prestazioni del nostro sito. Ci aiutano a sapere quali sono le pagine più e meno popolari e vedere come i visitatori si muovono intorno al sito. Tutte le informazioni raccolte dai cookie sono aggregate e quindi anonime. Se non consenti questi cookie, non sapremo quando hai visitato il nostro sito.
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